Relocation & Community Information
The Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF) is a
Pacific Training Range that is uniquely capable of also supporting RDT&E
programs. We are a fifth echelon command reporting to the Commander in Chief,
Pacific Fleet via the Command, Naval Air Pacific and Command, Patrol Wings
PMRF is a fleet range which provides instrumental
range support (radar, underwater tracking telemetry, electronic warfare, target
command control, communications, launching facilities, data display, data
processing and target/weapon launching and recovery facilities) to the fleet and
all Department of Defense agencies, the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA), the Department of Energy (DOE), Advanced Research
Projects Agency (ARPA), and authorized contractor development programs. It is a
total environment range with capabilities of providing real time and post
operational data on underwater, surface, air and space vehicle (ballistic
missiles and satellites) and scientific atmospheric rocker probes (DOE and
Precision tracking, real time display and data
recording of ships, aircraft and missiles are provided by eight long-range,
high-accuracy digitized radars. The Barking Sands Underwater Tracking Systems
consist of a 1,000-square-mile, high accuracy three dimensional system. The
underwater range provide for real time three dimensional track of submarines and
underwater weapons and targets.