NSB New London, CT




Naval Submarine Base New London
83 Grayling Avenue
Groton, CT 06349-5093


New London Naval Submarine Base is located in Groton, CT, where the Thames River meets Long Island Sound.  This base houses the Submarine Squadron 4 and 2, Submarine Development Squadron 12, Naval Submarine School. Submarine Group 2, Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Conversion and Repair, among others. The submarines which are based there include the USS Hartford, USS Springfield, and USS Albuquerque. There are over 9,000 active duty along with 14,000 dependents and civilians aboard base.

Main P
hone: 860-694-3040
DSN: 312-694-3040

Fax: 860-694-4695
DSN Fax: 312-694-4695

DSN: 312-694-xxxx








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